Economic Themes (2010) 48 (3) 5, 383-402


Saša Veljković, Veljko Marinković

Abstract: Strong competition and high demands of modern consumers have imposed the need for continuous quality improvement of products and services in order to raise the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The basic goal of customer satisfaction measurement is objective quantification of subjective perception of consumers. Customer satisfaction index is an important indicator of the achieved quality and market performance of companies and can be calculated at the micro and macro level. National customer satisfaction indices are useful framework for analyzing the competitiveness of national economies, industries and individual companies and are used for a number of other aspects of observation and analysis. Standardization of models in different countries allows comparability of the data, which is very important in the era of globalization and internationalization of business. There is a need to introduce the model of customer satisfaction measurement at the national level in the Republic of Serbia.

Keywords:  customer satisfaction; customer loyalty; measuring customer satisfaction; customer satisfaction indices; national barometers

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