Economic Themes (2012) 50 (4) 12, 633-649


Slavica Manić

Abstract: The paper analyzes all previous curricula of the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade. In its longstanding tradition, they were (and still are) often changed for the purpose of forming different profiles of economists. A progress that has been made through the reforms undertaken includes minor amendments and “cosmetic” corrections, as well as the radical “cuts” that refer to the structure of curricula (and/or content of the courses). Differentiation of economic disciplines, changes in the names of subjects and courses were mainly caused by exogenously initiated impulses. The aim of this paper is to show that, despite the undoubted improvements (adjustments made in compliance with the applicable world-wide standards), theoretical economy experienced the deterioration of its general position (and particularly in relation to the business economy), caused by (among other things) commodification of educational process.

Keywords:  theoretical economics; business economics; reforms of curricula; commodification

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